New York Cash Advance
While the cash advance lending industry is flourishing throughout the United States, residents of New York are not able to procure a cash advance within the state limits. This is due to the fact that the practice of cash advance lending has been outlawed in New York.
Cash Advance Lending Laws In New York
Since cash advance loans have been outlawed in the state of New York, companies that offer these types of services have had to look for loopholes in the system. While there are government agencies in place to guard against these loopholes being used, they aren't always effective at stopping New York cash advances. To get a cash advance loan, residents of New York can travel to neighboring states to get their cash advances. As cash advanced lending is illegal in New York, there are no physical cash advance lending agencies in the state.
If a resident of New York is interested in getting a cash advance loan against their next paycheck, they can't just drive to the nearest cash advance lending company and receive their money. Since the practice of cash advance lending has been outlawed in New York, consumers must look to companies operating outside the state to meet their New York cash advance needs.
New York Unemployment Statistics
In the past ten years, the highest unemployment rate was 7.2%, though on average the rate is generally at least 2% lower. According to New York's unemployment statistics in January of 2005, the unemployment rate was 5.7%. Just a year later, the unemployment rate had decreased to 5.2%. This means that in January 2006, there were 489,961 unemployed residents of New York.