Personal Cash Advance
Personal Cash Advance is a lending company that offers payday loans up to the amount of $1500. This company provides fast and easy service to all customers applying for a loan. In times of need, cash funds are necessary. The trained professionals at Personal Cash Advance realize that unexpected life events do occur. When this happens, many people find themselves in need of financial assistance. A traditional loan may take as long as two weeks for approval. A short-term cash advance from this company allows customers to obtain funds quickly. The service is secure, and all personal information is kept confidential. One of the best things about payday loans and cash advances is that there is no need for a credit check. Customers do not need perfect credit to be approved for a payday loan with Personal Cash Advance. Actually, they do not need any credit at all. The only requirements to securing a loan is that the customer must be over the age of 18, have a valid checking account, and must have gainful employment. Customers must also gross $1000 or more per month. These requirements are minimum and simply assure the company that you will be able to repay the loan when it is due.
A cash advance is also referred to as a payday loan or a paycheck loan. In essence, all three are the same. They work on the principle that the loan term lasts until you receive your next paycheck. The loan is typically due in full at that time. In some cases, customers may ask for an extension on the loan. If this should be a concern, you must contact customer service at least two business days before the loan is due. They will discuss extension options with you at that time. Personal Cash Advance loans are typically no less than seven days and no more than 18. If there are circumstances that do not permit you to repay the loan on the due date, Personal Cash Advance will work out a payment plan to suit your needs.
To apply for a cash advance, simply fill out the application found at the company website, The application process only takes a few minutes. Once the application is submitted, you will be contacted by a representative to discuss the terms of the loan. At this time, you will be informed of how much money you can borrow. The amount depends on your current income. In certain cases, additional information may be required. If this is so, the representative will tell you what information is needed and will request the information be faxed as soon as possible. The sooner all the information is gathered, the sooner you will have access to the cash funds. When the process is complete and the loan is approved, the funds will be deposited into your checking account within the following business day.
Cash advance loans require no credit and no collateral. They simply require the customer to have a steady source of income. Employees at Personal Cash Advance understand that financial issues arise. They will work with you so the funds can be accessible. Many customers have concerns about privacy and security when applying for an online loan. Personal Cash Advance takes all necessary precautions to ensure all personal information is protected. It will never be sold or traded and is only used for application and approval of the loan. This safe method to obtaining cash has become a life saving service for many customers. Personal Cash Advance has a privacy policy that is strictly enforced. It can be viewed at their website.
If you have any questions or concerns before applying for a cash advance, contact a customer service representative. You can send an email through the website, and an agent will contact you as soon as possible. Employees at this company provide exceptional service and are available to answer any questions you may have about a cash advance or the application process.
Personal Cash Advance offers their services to all qualified residents of the United States. It should be known that these loans are not a solution to serious financial problems. They are not designed for repetitive use. There is no limit as to how many loans one customer can obtain. Once the original loan has been paid back in full, the customer is free to apply for another at any time. Personal Cash Advance aims to provide you with a positive experience and exceptional service. When you need cash funds quickly, this lender can help.