1 Hour Cash Advance
Most people in America live from paycheck to paycheck with little disposable income to cover last minute expenses. Luckily cash advances on their next paycheck can allow people to avoid being late on payments or defaulting on a financial obligation. Just as the name implies 1 Hour Cash Advance allows you to get the money you need in as little as an hour. Simply complete a brief application online to begin the process. When a lender is found to meet your cash advance needs you will be contacted by either telephone or email. The lender will then deposit the money into your checking account for you to use however you desire.1 Hour Cash Advance Limits
The amount of money that can be lent to an individual is usually determined based on the person's income before taxes are taken out. Depending on the lender the amount granted to the customer can be as high as $1500. This limit varies depending on the lender as well as the state laws governing the cash advance industry. The first 1 Hour Cash Advance granted by a lender may be smaller than subsequent cash advances taken out in the future. This gives the lender the opportunity to make sure that the customer will pay back smaller amounts before giving them an advance for a higher amount.
In addition to these limitations most cash advance lenders will not allow a customer to have more than one cash advance at any given time. This is meant as a way to protect the customer from owing more money than they can payback. What is great about a 1 Hour Cash Advance is that when you pay the lender back you are once again eligible to apply for another cash advance.
How long does it take to receive the money?
The time between when the application is approved and you are contacted by the lender and when the money arrives in your account will vary based on the lender though in most cases the money is deposited to the borrower's account the next business day. In some situations it may be possible to have the money wired to your account the same day. Money wired the same day the application is approved is usually accompanies by higher fees from the lender as well as additional fees that might be assessed by the borrower's bank.
Credit Checks and 1 Hour Cash Advance
Many people who are in need of cash quickly are concerned that they will not be able to pass a credit check. Fortunately for these individuals most cash advance lenders do not require a credit check to disburse funds. This allows customers with less than perfect credit to get the money they need to meet their financial obligations.
Repayment Terms for 1 Hour Cash Advance
Most companies who provide 1 Hour Cash Advances do so under the condition that the customer pays back the money within 14 days or when they receive their next paycheck. All cash advance lenders are different therefore it is important to make sure that you understand the terms and conditions for repayment of your cash advance. In some cases the lender will allow the customer to pay back the money in installments depending on the situation. It is important to understand that if you are unable to pay back the money in the stipulated period an extension may be granted, however this extension will be accompanied by additional fees.
Who is Eligible for 1 Hour Cash Advance
At 1 Hour Cash Advance we understand that in life unexpected expenses come up which can leave you strapped for cash. For this reason we make it easy for almost everyone to receive a cash advance. As long as you have a checking account and a steady job where you are paid enough to meet our income requirements you will have no problem securing a cash advance from 1 Hour Cash Advance. You can apply from the privacy of your home computer and have the money you need quickly rather than worrying about how you will get through until your next payday.
1 Hour Cash Advance Fees
The terms of a 1 Hour Cash Advance differ depending on the lender you are matched with therefore not all customers will pay the same fees for money lent. Generally the fees associated with a 1 Hour Cash Advance are set between $10 and $30 for every $100 borrowed with most charging just $25 per $100 borrowed. This equates to approximately 782.14% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for cash advances that are charged with a 30% fee. It should be noted that a cash advance is meant to solve short term financial hardship and not long term financial needs.
Restrictions on using Cash Advance Funds
If you have ever taken out a personal loan you know that most lenders want to know what you will be using the money for. At 1 Hour Cash Advance we do not need to know what you need the money for. You can use the money we lend you however you see fit. If you need to pay your electric bill you can use the money to do so. If you need to fix your car you can use your cash advance to pay the repair shop. If you need access to cash to help you get through until your next payday then 1 Hour Cash Advance is perfect for you.