My Payday Loan
When you apply at My Payday Loan for a cash advance, you can get the money you need to help you out of any financial burden you are in. Whether it is late credit card bills, a car repair or a medical problem that needs to be paid, My Payday Loan is there to help. No matter what type of credit history you have, you can get a loan. The only restriction is those who have filed for a bankruptcy within the last year, or who have a repeated history of them. These will keep you from receiving a payday cash advance. To see if you qualify for a cash advance loan, go to
First time applicants of My Payday Loan have the option of borrowing $100, $200 or $300. As long as you pay that off on time and in full, your limit will increase to $400. This will occur by increments of $100 each time you borrow, until you hit the limit of $1,000. Remember, you must pay each loan off on time and in full to be eligible for a higher borrowing limit. There are also fees that are added onto a payday loan, called finance fees. For My Payday Loan, the fee is $25 for every $100 that is borrowed. If you borrow $200, this means that you will have to repay the company $250 on your next payday.
Your payday loan will be a no-fax kind, and it is a simple process that the majority of customers already qualify for. First, you will need to have a checking account, one that has been in good standing with no bounced checks for the past 3 months. You must be employed steadily for at least 6 months prior to requesting a loan. You must also make a minimum of $1000 a month. When you fill out the online application form, be sure to double check your phone numbers, address and bank information, so that the application goes through smoothly. You will be asked for your personal history and employment history, as well as your bank history. After the form is submitted, you will be informed through your email address whether or not you are approved. As long as you are approved before the time of 5 pm, Eastern Standard, you will have the money deposited into your account overnight. For processed loans after 5 pm, the money will generally be in your account the next business day.
Once you have been approved for a payday loan from My Payday Loan, you must then submit a payment request that will determine what payment you can make on your due date. If you do not submit a payment request, then your checking account will be debited the amount that you borrowed, plus finance charges. Your due date will be determined by the date of your next paycheck. For those who can pay their cash advance loan off early, before the due date, finance charges will be waived, and only the amount that was borrowed will be due.
The best part of getting a cash advance loan from My Payday Loan is that it may be extended for as long as you need to pay it back. You may pay just the minimum amount on each payday, which is the finance fee. However, it is important to remember that a cash advance loan is intended for short-term emergency use only. Customers should try to pay them back as quickly as they can so they do not have so many finance charges to pay.
You may pay off your payday loan in three different ways. The first is to pay the whole amount on the first due date, which can be done by allowing My Payday Loan to debit your checking account. You can also pay just the finance charge on your due date, and let your loan rollover to the next payday. You can also pay more than what the minimum balance is, yet allow the loan to rollover again to your next paycheck.
My Payday Loan makes sure that your information is kept private and safe, and they never sell or give away your information to other companies. You can apply now for a no-fax payday loan online by visiting their website at Fill out the quick and easy form and you will have an answer in minutes as to whether you are qualified or not. Get the money you need fast, and get it now with My Payday Loan.